Wynn Resorts Might Require COVID-19 Tests for People Entering the Facilities

CEO of Wynn Resorts, Matt Maddox, recently suggested requiring a COVID-19 test for all of the employees and guests in order to get?Las Vegas?entertainment and nightlife back. According to Wynn, it is crucial to get the COVID-19 test to attend a show, convention, go to a nightclub, or other crowded areas that exceeds the state-mentioned limits.

A Positive Covid-19 Test Device Held Over a Positive Test on PaperHe recently conducted an op-ed on how Las Vegas can be restored back to its original condition as before COVID-19 as people are maintaining distance from Las Vegas due to chances of getting infected from the flow of visitors.

According to the Nevada Independent, fast tests and creating “safe zones” will only accelerate Nevada’s recovery. He Stated: “As a long-standing member of the Las Vegas community and the current CEO of Wynn Resorts, I have been deeply entrenched in the economy and culture of Las Vegas for almost two decades. This is not only a place I love and call home; this is a place that I understand”

Government Alone Efforts of Limiting Can Not Bring Las Vegas life back, Stated Wynn

According to Wynn Resorts, Las Vegas is the unique and most fun experiencing location where people of different interests like artists, musicians, acrobats, pool party lovers, nightclub fans, Raiders, Golden Knights, NASCAR race events, and racers are attracted and a large number of festivals are held in Las Vegas and government alone effort of restraining the mass gathering limit to 250 will not bring the Las Vegas life back.

Therefore, following his opinion, community leaders must introduce science-based options that advance the broader goals to reignite the city, and for this Wynn was the first person to introduce an in-depth reopening plan in April that is currently the foundation of many industries working in the Las Vegas.

How Can This Be Achieved?

For the past many months, Wynn and his organization have been working with many medical centers and universities like University Medical Center (UMC), Georgetown University, and leading labs in California and New York to study and research the technology that can carry out rapid and rigorous tests of thousands of people within few hours.

He is currently in the process of building an on-site lab with the help of UMC at Wynn Las Vegas which will deploy thousands of precise and accurate rapid tests on a daily basis at current cost.

According to Wynn, the UMC/Wynn lab will make sure to provide the most precise and accurate test currently available in the U.S by adopting FDA approved “gold standard” PCR technology and it will only test employees and guests that will be attending the show, events, nightclubs or other crowded events that exceeds the limits of the “mass-gathering” set by the state.

The reason for these types of restrictive measures is the increasing number of people being positive to COVID-19 all around the world. This is also why many venues and governments started adopting the restrictive measures that were set in March after the virus was declared a pandemic by the WHO.

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