UKGC with Another Set of Strict Measures

The?UK Gambling Commission (UKGC)?has recently announced?the new strict guidelines?for all of the gambling operators to clean up the malpractice of VIP schemes – stating if the guidelines are followed there will be no more irresponsible management of premium-value customers in the future.

UKGC Logo over a Hand Flipping a Golden VIP TokenUnder the new guidelines, which will come into action?on 31 October, customers must go through rigorous checks before getting signed up, their betting behaviors should be closely observed and monitored, and continue to verify the information that is provided to them and conduct rigorous gambling harm checks.

The Standard body for gambling “Betting and Gaming Council”?has welcomed the new?UK Gambling guidelines?in regard to the use of ‘VIP schemes’ by the operators.

Under these new guidelines,?which will be forced to implement?on 31 October,?customers must go through rigorous checks before signing up.

It further stated that as a part of the Commission’s work to strengthen and value customer protection, the body has made addressing these schemes the first-level priority after witnessing repetitive instances of failures to protect and provide the value to the high-end customers.

Senior Executive Having a Personal Management License to Look After the Respective Scheme

The Commission further recognized the VIP schemes as an area for improvement and change and ordered the industry to clean up its conduct earlier this year, forcing them to work uniformly to highlight the problems and the issues through the industry code of conduct.

Following these guidelines, all operators will now be required to follow these new set of guidelines that will see ‘high end’ customer provided with top-of-the-line bonuses, hospitality, gifts, and prior services from the operator.

Customer check-list includes the following requirements:

  • Ensure that the spending of the customer is something that they can afford
  • Check whether they are at risk of harm gambling
  • Check that the information provided are up-to-date
  • Continue to check the information provided in future and make harm-checks if there is a sign that indicates that the customer is at risk of harm gambling

The new guidelines also force the operators to appoint a senior executive having a Personal Management License (PMLs) to look after the respective scheme – holding individuals personally accountable.

The Number of VIP Customers Have Decreased, Says Neil McArthur

The Gambling Commission Chief Executive, Neil McArthur said: “We have introduced these new rules to stamp out malpractice in the management of ‘VIP’ customers and to make gambling safer. Our enforcement work has identified too many cases of misconduct in the management of VIP schemes and this is the last chance for operators to show they can operate such schemes appropriately.”

According to Neil McArthur, the numbers of ‘VIP’ schemes customers have decreased more than half or by 70%, to be more précised. The new rules have been made in order to continue the progress, but also protect vulnerable people who are at risk of developing a gambling addiction.

In the upcoming period, the Gambling Commission will launch an advisory and consultation service for the customers. It will also include the affordability check, analyzing the vulnerability, and how to provide precautionary measures and steps in cases of risk.

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